Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sing That Funky Music!

It is easy to get in a funky mood and for me (and those with bipolar) it is easy to dwell on unfortunate events. I am not sure how positive this is but both me and my bipolar are both moody. In fact I am probably both moody but we are both sedative to negative outcomes. I am more of a get it all out at once, blow things out of proportion, stomp my feet kind of moody. He is more of the dwells on negative thoughts for days, pessimistic type. I started doing a lot of thinking about my moodiness. I hate feeling down yet once i'm in a funk it takes much coursing from my incredibly patient partner before I'm smiling again and kissing him all over. When I'm in a good mood I wonder why I can't just decide to stop being unhappy, it never feels good. I feel unhappy for little to know reason at times, just loneliness, doubt. I think it is better to feel good and positive then blue no matter the situation. The truth is, its just hard to leave those perilous, private pity parties *try say that then times!* 
I have heard and read many suggestions of how to bring yourself into a happier mood. In my opinion the first thing that is necessary is the awareness and desire to stop. This doesn't mean you can just stop at the blink of an eye,  just because you have a desire to stop, usually depression mutes that desire or weakens it. Food, sex, drinking, work, etc. aren't going to make you happy ultimately but usually lead to new addictions. I think each of us must find our own happiness tools but there are somethings proven to work for the majority of us. A tool that works great for me is music. Turning the music up on my computer or the radio as I drive helps a fair amount but the real key is singing a long. OHH.. you know what definitely helps, jumping in the shower, dancing around naked and singing like a rock starOnce I start singing along, (out of tune and off pitch) with a song, I can't help but feel silly and a little cheery. It doesn't matter that I mumble half the song because I only remember the chorus, it just works. Try it. Just try not to put on any heartbreaking, gloomy songs.
 Smiling, for no reason, just exercising your lip muscles and smiling at yourself in the mirror, is proven to stimulate jubilation. Giving to other is one of the official top five ways to increase true joy in life. Exercise  is also an enormous  aid when you're felling blue. I love to exercise, not because I love runny on a treadmill, all frizzy haired and sweaty, but because on those days I workout in the mornings 20X more energized and excited. I am also now on a mission to get my wonderful bipolar to stop eating so many java chip frappuccinos (sugar causes mood crashes) and start eating his veggies, exercise and most importantly start singing aloud.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lets make this work!

There is still a lot for me to learn and experience in this relationship but I’ve gain a lot of insight from it so far. I’d love to know more about what others have experienced. It feels great to know your not alone in this, that many people have experienced some of the same stigma. What I would like to share is that being bipolar is not hopeless. It may take time and effort to be in a relationship with someone suffering form bipolar but it can be very worth it. Loved ones need to remember that we are not responsible for mood swings. We cannot always make them happy and it is not our job but we can be there to support them and I think thats enough. As long as those with the illness are responsible about taking with there doctor and taking medication, I think a relationship is very possible. I constantly tell my boyfriend that he can be loved and he deserves to be. He constantly tells me I am smart, beautiful and amazing.
Many people will disapprove and wont be understanding but that has to be okay too. Most of the time people who are not accepted are just afraid or worried. You cannot fight ignorance with anger but you can educate. I believe strongly that education is the answer to almost every problem. The less educated people are about anything the less compassionate, open or appropriate they will behave. Mental illness is not curable but it can be managed. I believe that as a lover you can be there for your someone without losing yourself. I love him and I feel that we both take care of each other, we provide stability for each other. I’m very young and any advice would be greatly appreciated.